Monday, July 27, 2009

Fragility of Life

Breezes atop Winding Ridge blow most days, but on Sunday afternoons I pay better attention. I watch sunshine peeking through windows and casting shadows on the wood walls; I contemplate more of what's important and less of what's impending in the upcoming week. My older son and his wife have attended the funeral of a 34-year-old friend who leaves a wife and two children to face life without him. That's a bitter pill in this life, but will we treat our spouse with more love and appreciation in the everyday happenings of life a few days from now? We are such forgetful creatures. But for right now, on this ridge where I live, the stirrings of love for my husband of 41 years blow over me and remind me to love with gale force.


  1. I've had a similar reaction. I've only been married two years, and news like that makes me crave all the years we can.

  2. I have never underestimated the value or brevity of life. perhaps it's my personality ( or my job in the funeral industry)either way your first blog post will be inspiring and beautiful to many!

  3. Flo, you have no idea how this hits home with me. I have experienced the loss and the life changes that go with it. I look back and treasure on a regular basis.... lest I forget the blessings God gave me. Thanks - great post.

  4. Loss here on earth is such a hard pill to swallow. I feel happy for the people that have gone on to meet Jesus but for those of us left behind... oh, it hurts so. Praying for the family... by any chance is it the family of Chris Nap?

  5. It is wonderful to read your writings again Mrs. Wolfe. I especially enjoy that they are not in red ink on the margins of one of my papers. ;-) What a beautiful family photo and words. I learned this lesson far too young but am forever grateful for my family and the time God has given us together. Having seen James 1:27 from both sides, my hope is that the church will be called to care for this young widow and children.
