Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Colorful Reminders

As we drove up to Winding Ridge yesterday, I took this photo through the Jeep's sunroof.

Lately, autumn's colors pop more each day. I've even got the tripod set on the porch, hoping to capture the same scene as it changes daily. One day I'll post that moment of beauty that captures the essence of fall 2009. The season will flee all too soon, giving way to what the almanac promises: a hard winter. So each day's glimpse offers a taste of grace, most obviously in a visual offering.

Musically, I have recently joined the Garrett County Choral Society, where seeing grace notes reminds me of grace-filled sound bites. Yes, I do have to copy the syllable-by-syllable pronunciation of the German for Bach's Cantata140, but the harmonies of the chorale make the effort worth it. The 70-member group practices each Sunday evening for 2 1/2 hours simply to make music together.

Visual and auditory grace notes, because they demand our attention, can overpower other graces. My husband just took the time to print out each song that's on my iPod. Dave's computer skills grace me everyday. Last night he changed the profile photo for my college Divas' (Divinely Inspired Vivacious Affectionate Sisterhood) Facebook page. And a friend who's collected quotes for years mailed me a typed copy last week. To quote Luther, "The heart of the giver makes the gift dear and precious." Yet another friend from Bible study gave me a jar of her homemade cream, a cream that has given her the skin of a youngster!

Grace notes in music, small in notation and quick in performance, make a lush difference in a tune. Why don't we all purpose to "grace" someone this day? The apostle John reminds us, "From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another." (John 1:16)

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