Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Perfect S'mores

Most people have a definite method for creating the perfect s'more. The first step involves choosing the right stick. The impatient s'more chef will grab the first stick in the woods. Connoisseurs may insist on owning one of the metal beauties from Plow and Hearth. The second step deals with the degree of marshmallow doneness. Some char that white puff of sugar while others slowly roast the marshmallow to a golden brown. The choice of milk chocolate or semi-sweet comes next, followed by the construction of the actual s'more. However, the best part of this sweet concoction comes in the eating : ~ )
On Friday night 12 adults and 4 children gathered around our camp fire to make s'mores and watch fireflies.The accompanying pictures tell the story best.


  1. One of my favorite parts of camping and my hubby makes the best smores ever... it's all in his patience in roasting the mallows... I just sit back and watch as he perfectly and patiently toasts it. Then he lovingly hands it over to his wife!!

  2. Great guy and definitely a keeper.
