Saturday, November 21, 2009

Gingerbread Houses and Scooters

What possible connection can exist between a gingerbread house and a scooter?  This Granma's 2009 list of  "Thanksgiving Blessings" includes both!  A few weeks ago, Granpa picked up a kit for making a gingerbread house, thinking our granddaughter and I would enjoy constructing this sweet
confection together while her Mommy and Daddy traveled to Miami to visit Uncle Bryan. The first step, gluing the house pieces together with frosting, went slowly, but by giving Little Stuff a taste here and there, the first step came off without a hitch! We add the decorations tomorrow afternoon!

The second blessing, a free scooter that a neighbor on Bearfoot Road gave us, traveled to Gerogia with us and has allowed this Granma such freedom and mobility. A trip to the mailbox means the two of us zip out the driveway with a toot of the horn. We gather the mail from the box, place it in the basket, take a spin around the neighborhood, and come back huddled together. How could this daily task be any more fun?

Well, it's even more fun when the scooter morphs into a chariot for Little Stuff to attend a princess birthday party, with Granma as her driver. Scatter the fairy dust, and a bit of magic emerges for us both. I clasp her hand, head for the garage, place the birthday gift in the basket, and with a toot of the horn, we head off, my heart filled with thankfulness for the simple joys today held: a gingerbread house and a battery-operated scooter! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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